It is never too early to start caring for your infant’s mouth. From teething to tooth eruption I will discuss appropriate and healthy care tips.
So your infant is suddenly drooling a lot and wanting to chew on anything is likely because a tooth or teeth are going to be erupting soon. Some infants will run a low grade fever, maybe fussy and may have the diarrhea during this process. Clinically, the gums may appear to be purple because as the tooth is pushing through the tissue the tooth causes a bruise. Teething rings can be placed in freezer and will help reduce the pain associated with teething. A wet and cold face cloth also works and they can chew on it which will provide some relief.
Upon eruption, now is the time to introduce an infant toothbrush. Keep in mind not to use a fluoride toothpaste yet until your child learns how to spit properly. Ingesting a fluoride toothpaste regularly can be extremely harmful for your little one. Keep your fluoride toothpaste out of reach. A small travel size tube of toothpaste if ingested could be lethal. At this stage plain water is fine to use until your child gets use to the toothbrush. After this has been achieved purchase a fluoride-free toothpaste for your child to get used to the foaming abilities. Once your child has mastered the spitting component then you can introduce a fluoride toothpaste for children. There are many flavours to choose from and find one that your child likes. Another tip is brush with your child as shown in the photograph. Children typically will follow your lead. Make it fun and small rewards go along way. You might want to place a sticker on the calendar to cheer your child on for brushing twice daily. You can also include a fluoride mouth rinse to this regimen. It is important to use a fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse regularly as the fluoride keeps the enamel strong and helps fight against cavities. Once more teeth erupted there are children’s floss wands that are easy to use to clean in between the teeth.
This concludes some helpful tips on infant tooth care. Early brushing is early prevention. Positive reinforcement is crucial so that your child gets into some great and regular oral hygiene habits.