Discoloured teeth can occur at any age from a variety of different reasons. Some are extrinsic (outside of tooth or teeth) and others may be intrinsic (or within the tooth or teeth). I will discuss causes of staining both intrinsic and extrinsic along with prevention and treatments.

Intrinsic staining are stains that are inside the teeth. Many years ago, tetracycline was an antibiotic prescribed to people that were allergic to penicillin. However if prescribed to children, their adult teeth forming would be subjected to discoloration anywhere from a yellow hue to a grey/black colour. The teeth were still healthy and strong but not aesthetically pleasing.

Extrinsic staining are stains on the outer surface of teeth and usually are caused from habits such as smoking, drinking coffee,tea and red wine. Poor oral hygiene is another contributing factor. Obviously eliminating habits listed previously would be the key to prevention. Having your teeth professionally cleaned and polished alone can remove extrinsic stains and improve appearance.

In extreme cases of tetracycline staining, porcelain veneers or crowns maybe necessary to improve the appearance of smiling. With both intrinsic and extrinsic staining both are improved through professional whitening whether this is done in office or at home. Just improving oral hygiene at home can improve staining. Using a whitening toothpaste and whitening mouth rinse at home can be an excellent addition to improve the appearance of staining.

It is not the end of the world if in fact your teeth are stained from either intrinsically or extrinsically sources. Keeping up with regular dental hygiene cleanings can greatly reduce extrinsic staining. Professional whitening can drastically improve the colour of stained teeth along with meticulous home care and adding a whitening toothpaste and mouth rinse. Keep on brushing!

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